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Prof. Dr. Wilfried Kuhn is the head physician at the neurological clinic at Leopoldina Hospital in the city of Schweinfurt, Germany. He has dealt with the phenomenon of near-death experiences for many years.
In this interview, we take a look at how this phenomenon could be explained. Is it a hallucination? Do drugs produced by our own bodies play a role? Could a “soul” as the embodiment of consciousness outlive the physical death or was the existence of such a thing already debunked?
These topics amongst others eventually lead to the main questions that is even more current due to near-death experiences: Is there life after death?
Interviewer: Werner Huemer
Director: Mehmet Yesilgöz
Translation: Jens Rohrbeck, Katrin Salhenegger-Niamir
Voice-over: Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir, Werner Huemer
Editor: Werner Huemer
Deutsche Fassung: https://youtu.be/q80lFz3TNwE
℗ 2019 by Mediaservice Werner Huemer
© 2019 by thanatos.tv – www.youtube.com/thanatostelevision