Barbara Hauter: “Death Gave me the Gift of Life!”

“Death Gave me the Gift of Life!” | An Interview with Barbara Hauter

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After suffering from a lung embolism, Barabara Hauter (Munich) fell into a coma for two months. The way how and what she experienced during that time, changed her life fundamentally and permanently. In our Thanatos TV interview, she says, “Death gave me the gift of life.” It is an unusual and open testimony of a woman who always used to be down-to-earth … but now she experiences her everyday life from a completely different angle – she is more aware, and free from fears.

Director: Sebastian Depke
Translation: Katrin Salhenegger-Niamir
Voice-over: Katrin Salhenegger-Niamir, Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir
Editor: Werner Huemer

℗ Mediaservice Werner Huemer
© 2020 –

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