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Seit heute ist auf Thanatos TV die englische Fassung des Interviews mit Monika Dreier-Leuthold zu sehen.
During an Alpine Ski Tour in the area of Oberalp (Switzerland), Monika Dreier-Leuthold was hit by an avalanche and was carried along with it. The time she spent immobalised under the mass of snow – whilst at the same time being able to observe the efforts of her rescue from a bird’s eye view – had a long-lasting effect on her life. In her interview, she speaks about her experiences and her return to everyday life.
Die deutsche Originalfassung finden Sie hier.
00:58 Would you tell us how it came to this accident that you were buried by an avalanche? 21:29 How did your rescue came about? 24:11 Were you able to understand your experience with the avalanche properly? Were you able to speak with others about it? 25:50 Did this experience change your fear and did it have a long-lasting effect on you? 26:48 How did your comeback to normal life take place after this accident? 28:27 How would you assess your dream about dangerous and adventurous travels in retrospect? 29:21 Which role does religion play in your life? Has your relationship to religion changed due to your experiences? 30:22 What is the content of your new film? 31:30 How present is this experience still for you after happening ten years ago? How much of an impact does it still have on your life? 32:08 When you say that you changed internally due to this experience, but others perceived you as somebody who hadn’t changed… Did you feel conflicted because of that? 32:25 What would you like to share with people who have a great fear of death due to your experiences?
Director: Mehmet Yesilgöz
Translation: Katrin Salhenegger-Niamir
Voice-over: Kate Howlett-Jones, Peter Cox
Editor, Interviewer: Werner Huemer