Sabine Mehne: „I Was Welcomed by the Light“

"I Was Welcomed by the Light" | An Interview with Sabine Mehne

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Auf Thanatos TV ist nun auch eine englischsprachige Fassung eines Interviews mit Sabine Mehne zu sehen.

Sabine Mehne, who suffered from severe cancer, had a near death experience that changed her life permanently. After her experience, nothing was the way as it was before. In this interview she speaks about her experiences and which consequences such experiences can have on the human perception of themselves.



Contents: 00:46 A near death experience 20 years ago 05:54 Getting out of the body 07:54 Welcomed by a light 10:29 Getting back into the body 11:35 All good and bad feelings of all people at the same time 14:23 Leaving the body as a child 18:47 Speaking about the near-death experience 21:21 A traverser between worlds 24:50 Why people are afraid to be confronted by such experiences? 27:25 How society should handle death and dying 29:33 Relationship with various religions 31:37 Why do religious concepts often lead to a lack of freedom? 34:06 Priests and near-death experiences 35:02 The meaning of life 38:57 Self-reflection, self-awareness, self-discovery


Director: Mehmet Yesilgöz
Translation: Katrin Salhenegger-Niamir
Voice-over: Kate Howlett-Jones, Peter Cox
Editor, Interviewer: Werner Huemer

℗ Mediaservice Werner Huemer
© 2021 Thanatos TV EN



Werner Huemer

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