Wolfgang Moissl: „All the Burdens of Life Fell Off“

"All the Burdens of Life Fell Off" | An Interview with Wolfgang Moissl

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Seit heute ist auf Thanatos TV die englische Fassung des Interviews mit Wolfgang Moissl zu sehen.

Wolfgang Moissl is an Architekt and author. He lives in Germany. A few years ago he had a near-death experience that changed his life.

Die deutsche Originalfassung finden Sie hier.


00:44 Would you start by telling us which circumstances led to this near-death experience and what you experienced at the time? 06:19 Light being, what should we understand by this? Would you be able to describe this in more detail? 08:21 When you think of the love that you felt – did you get the impression that this love came from the light being, or that it was connected to this light being? 09:35 You mentioned that quite quickly, you viewed this out-of-body state as something natural. Was it normal for you to see life in a bigger overall context? 12:33 How did you cope with your experiences later on? 15:03 What happened after you had decided to go back into your body? 16:16 And you were able to remember all the things that you just told me immediately after waking up? 16:45 In how far has the near-death experience had a lasting effect on your way of thinking and your decision-making in everyday life? 18:50 If we talk about the keyword philosophy, what is your resumé? 20:23 What do the terms materialistic and naturalistic sciences mean to you? 22:40 How do you perceive religion? 25:40 From your perspective, what is the essential core of humans? What is your conception of man? 28:24 Due to your many years of experience and findings, is there something that seems important to you?


Director: Heike Sucky
Translation: Katrin Salhenegger-Niamir
Voice-over: Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir, Werner Huemer
Editor, Interviewer: Werner Huemer

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